Perception breeds existence.

When an object exists, and is perceived, it's real. 

When an object does not exist, but is perceived, it's illusion.  

When an object exists, but is not perceived, we encounter a conundrum.


You're floating in a vacuum in space. Somehow, you can breathe, and your body functions just fine.  You're surrounded by a heavy blanket of nothingness, no light, not a celestial object in sight. You can't see the tip of your nose. You have no perceptual image of self. You've never met another living soul. Sound cannot travel in a vacuum; you lack auditory stimuli. You may even be unable to form coherent thoughts since language is but a method of human communication, which is of no use to you. Engulfed by darkness, you have no perception of self or of anything, really. Without the slightest amount of perception, you are nothing but a virtual being. One that does not exist beyond your mind, that is if your mind existed. You exist, and cease to exist, without a trace, never perceived, as though you never existed. Because you never really did. 

Now, let's assume that it wasn't you, a living being, stranded in the middle of nowhere, but an object. An object could be as insignificant as a pebble, or as big as the sun. If that object was far enough to apply no gravitational force on any other, far enough to cause no disruption to light from surrounding objects, and far enough to not be perceived by anyone, then this object does not exist, at least not objectively. It may seem self-centered of us to assume that our perception of objects is what brings them into existence, but as far as we know, existence is a concept defined by humans. If the world lacked the life element, the world simply would not exist. That is unless there was the slightest possibility of it being perceived in the future. Once perceived, in any form, even if nothing but vague evidence of its existence is perceived, at any point in time, the object is forever perceived. Similarly, we know the Earth existed before the onslaught of human life, even though we could not perceive it then. 


An object that exists is one of objective reality . When that objectiveness is questioned, it's no longer objective; it becomes of subjective reality. Subjective reality  is dependent on perception.  Perception does not necessarily require humans, however. Any proof of existence passes as perception. If an existing object is not perceived in any shape, way, or form, its existence holds no significance. It is as though it were nonexistent, it does not interact with any other object, and thus, has no existential trace. If this unperceived object were to be considered existent, we unlock a gate of infinite possibilities. In that sense, in every square inch of our exponentially expanding universe, an object could occupy space without leaving any trace to prove its existence.

Perception != Direct visual perception.

Believers in God would be the first to disagree: "You can't see God, but he's there!"

It's important to note that perception does not have to be visual, or direct. Humans have never directly perceived Andromeda, but we know it's there because of the light we receive from it, even if it's 2.5 M light years away from us. It is perceived, therefore, it exists. You've never directly perceived your liver, but due to common knowledge of human anatomy, and thousands of medical procedures, it is proved that you have an organ inside of you called a liver, that happens to be functioning. Therefore, it is perceived. It exists. 

Imagine a work of art displayed in a closed room with no viewers. While it remains unseen, the artwork's existence is still acknowledged, as it was created with the intention of being perceived by an audience, and was, initially, perceived by the creator. Therefore, it is perceived. It exists. 

The significance of the insignificant.

The existence of unperceived objects may be deemed irrelevant, as their impact or significance is negligible in the absence of perception. However, even if an object remains unperceived, it potentially holds the possibility of being perceived in the future, thereby solidifying its existence within the framework of subjective reality.

By exploring the intricate connection between perception and existence, we come to realize that the act of perception, whether visual or otherwise, plays a pivotal role in defining reality. While unperceived objects may exist in a state of ambiguity, their potential for perception imbues them with a trace of existence within the realm of subjective reality.

1- Objective reality refers to the existence of entities and phenomena independent of individual perception or interpretation. It encompasses aspects of the external world that exist regardless of subjective experience.

2- Subjective reality relates to personal experiences and perspectives that shape an individual's perception of the world. It acknowledges the influence of personal interpretation and subjective filters on the construction of reality.
